Rowan County Commisioners 2-17-2020 Meeting and West Rowan Library Notes
The Rowan County Commission monthly meeting tonight 2-17-2020 was a very quick meeting - lasting only ten minutes from start to finish. Chairman Jim Greene opened the meeting, and Chaplain Michael Taylor said an opening prayer. Greene noted that the prayer was for "solemnity" and that the prayer was said "for us and not for you." He was referencing some of the political upheaval surrounding prayers at local governmental meetings in previous years and the shift from board members rotating saying opening prayers to having a member of the religious community on board to do so. Before moving to business issues Greene noted that the overhead screen was new as was the projector. The old screen had fallen and was damaged beyond repair. The new system was good. Images were clear. Taxes and expenditures were the key items on the agenda. Commissioner Leslie Hedrick showed a number of graphs showing financial data. She noted that tax collection was "better than e...