New Police Chief in Cleveland, NC - Jon Jessup
Police Chief Jon Jessup Jon Jessup accepted the job of Police Chief for Cleveland, NC Monday night 7-13-2020 at the end of the monthly Town Board meeting. Commissioners went into closed session to iron out details of the offer and then invited Jessup back. Jessup confirmed that he would take the position at the end of the meeting. "We're glad to have him," said Commissioner Travis Summitt who stayed after the meeting to welcome the new Chief. Summit is responsible for police and maintenance in Cleveland. Jessup is not new to Cleveland. He has worked part-time as an officer in Cleveland for six years. He was also working full-time as an officer in Landis, NC. Both towns had openings for the Chief position at the same time. Brad Weaver had recently resigned at Cleveland, and Jessup had served as the interim Chief for the last three weeks. Landis had seen several changes in leadership due to a political scandal concerning town funds. Jessup was under consideration for the to...