Lift Truck, Flags, and New Employees - Cleveland, NC Town Board 7-13-2020

The Cleveland, NC monthly town board meeting was held as scheduled and was inside for July. Board members and residents in attendance did wear masks due to coronavirus concerns.

Cleveland has had a number of open town positions which is rather unusual in a town of this size. Openings were filled in maintenance and the police department. More details will be available tomorrow, so be sure to check back.

Changes were made to current job descriptions. The major change was an addition to include "equivalent law enforcement supervisory experience." This was added to the portion that addresses educational requirements. It would balance education with experience on the job.

The big ticket item on the agenda for the month was a lift truck. The truck would be used to put up flags at the 4th of July (and Christmas decorations etc). There were safety concerns about the current way of putting up town decorations. Cost of the truck which was approved was $25,500 for a used truck which was rented for this 4th of July. The truck could also be used for tasks like cutting back high tree limbs in the park.

Related was an approval for $39,800 for flags. That would include U.S. flags and new poles. Older flags had some type of brace/bracket system to prevent the flags from wrapping around the poles. Newer models have poles that serve the same job. Since damage to flags is common from year to year, town board members decided to purchase 30 flags/poles which would include 20 to be used and 10 for replacement.

Two area women signed up for the open comment section at the beginning of the meeting. Issues raised concerned speeding at the exit to the town park, lighting, and overgrown lots. Town board was aware of most of these concerns and had been getting information to address the issues. Speed humps can be added once residents on the street are contacted. Eighty percent of residents must be in favor of speed humps. More lights are being planned with some funds through the county. Progress has been stalled on that due to the impact of coronavirus. Pat Phifer (mayor) said that he would speak to the owners of the overgrown lots and letters would be mailed later if necessary.

Commissioners checked in with reports at the end of the meeting.

Bradford noted that the land beside the old Community Grocery that has a rock pile on it currently will be sold by auction on August 6, 2020. The land borders the town well and water tower. He said he would check on details in case the town would like to purchase the land which is really too small for a business.

Summitt said that he had been approached about grants to improve low income housing in the area. He was following up and had provided some information and noted that a community meeting at a local church or outside if necessary might be helpful.

Phiefer said that an individual had spoken with him about a foundation for town projects to be called the Cleveland Heart and Soul Foundation. The first project would be to paint the downtown building which houses the post office. The plan would be to paint the bricks gray and to have different color trim on each section. He said that the portions of the building are privately owned, so the town could not contribute. He asked if board members would donate $50 each and said that he would be glad to give $50.

On a sad note, the summer concerts will not take place in Cleveland this year. With the spread of coronavirus, it would not be possible to book bands at this point. Hopefully the concerts/dances can be held again for 2021.


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