Town Board 2-14-2022 - More Sidewalks and Bands Named for Dancing on Depot

The town of Cleveland, NC will be adding sidewalks on Main Street from School St. down to where Cline's Oil operated across from Freighliner (Dahlemer). Some residents have been wanting sidewalks on the main road for years. Tonight the board voted to install those for $38,000.

The portion of Main St. with sidewalks added will also be in the next round of lights added. The plan is to have decorative light poles in any portion of Cleveland with sidewalks. 

The vote on sidewalks came near the end of the meeting during the Other New and Unfinished Business portion of the agenda. In addition, Mayor Pat Phifer shared the names of the bands scheduled for Dancing on Depot. They are as follows:

April 2022 - Divided by  Four (out of Salisbury)

May 2022 - 7 Roads

June 2022 - Catalinas (out of Union Grove)

July 2022 - Red Dirt Revival

August 2022 - a mountain group or maybe gospel  

September 2022 - Mother Trucker

The cost for the first three bands is $6900, so the board voted to set aside $10,000 for the first part of the project and then to plan on another $10,000 for the second half (to be voted on later). The funds for the concert and related expenses (porta-johns, banners etc) will come out of Parks and Recreation. 

Other business in parks and rec included approving $1435 for staining and repairs to shelters and supplies like light fixtures at $2000. Work on the ball field may take a while per Commissioner Richard Taylor, and playground equipment may get power washed and then reworked instead of buying new. He is waiting on estimates on the extra work. 


The town voted to extend the contract for John Ritchie who is training new employees at the wastewater treatment facility. Ritchie will be paid $2200 per month for six months to consult/train and to include one day on site per week. Total cost = $13,000. The town will reevaluate again in six months to determine needs.

GPS (mapping) software for $22,400 was approved for three years including support. The town will also invest in a receiver which can mark water line valves down in the ground at $6,900. 

A conversion kit at $1125 will upgrade the water meter system at $1125. Water meters are read from the tower to the property automatically in some homes while some are still read manually. The auto reads need the update to 4G.

Zoning Changes

Two residents had requested zoning changes for property - Connor Hutchinson and Yolanda Prince. The Hutchinson land is on Highway 70 close the solar panels and changed from agricultural to light industrial. The Prince land includes two lots across from the doctor's office shifting from family residential to general business. Both changes passed unanimously with no objections during public comments. 

Land Purchase

The town of Cleveland is purchasing land on Depot St. where the old mill was located at a cost of $50,000, running around $58,000 with fees. 


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