Cleveland NC Town Board 5-8-2023 - Finance Strategy Paying Off Big


Tonight was the monthly board meeting for Cleveland, NC. Various budget issues took up the bulk of the meeting including a review of the new investment strategy. Last year, the town made $7,300 in interest for the entire year. Last month, with the new investment plan adopted earlier, the interest was $21,000 for just the single month. All board members voted to roll investments back into treasury bills as they mature and to continue with the current investment strategy.

Ice Machine for Town Hall

The board had voted previously to rent an ice machine for town hall and to pay maintenance. The board decided to go with a hotel type dispenser for sanitary reasons. Instead of digging into the ice, it would have a feed to dispense the ice. This type of machine had not been available, however, so the company put in a different ice machine. 

The current concern is that the requested machine can now be put in [around August]  but at a cost of $325 quarterly as opposed to $160 quarterly for the one in town hall now. The board discussed keeping the smaller machine with the lower cost, but commissioners were not happy with that idea.

"That isn't what we voted for," said Phifer. This is going to "make me lose some hair."

"They need to honor it [the signed contact]," said Commissioner Travis Summitt. 

Phifer said the town would contact the contractor and see if the contract would be honored. Otherwise, it might make more sense to just buy one and then set up maintenance.

"People make them every day [ice machines],"said Phifer. If the contract is not honored, the town can "go up the road and pick a mamma jamma up." 

Work at Town Hall

Some bids came in for work at town hall. There was a huge difference in estimates, but Phifer said that the board needed to compare "apples to apples." He said that the new contractor might not be aware of the condition of the cement floors under the carpet. He said that previously the concrete had to be sanded and leveled out and that the job might be bigger than anticipated. The board decided to speak with the contractors to make sure that the scope of the job was understood. Then, they will get firm quotes and vote on contractors for the flooring and also for painting. 

AIA Water and Sewer

An Asset Inventory and Assessment is due by the town. Capital projects are being funded with grants coming in at 100K for town water and $125K grant for town sewer. All funds must be accounted for in terms of where the dollars are spent to report to the grant organizations. This work will be in progress.

Audit Contract

The yearly audit contract is the same as far as price as previous years. Board members have been happy with the service provided. Commissioner Gerald Osborne had a couple of questions about the contract, and the town finance officer will check to get clarification before voting. 

Water Shortage Response Plan

Osborne noted that some changes needed to made to our town water shortage plan. For example, the plan addresses irrigation systems. Osborne noted that only one town resident has irrigation in town limits and that is Mayor Pat Phifer, so sections of the plan really need to be reworked.

WSRP reports are due every seven years, and our report is due, leaving no time to make changes. So, the board voted to turn in the report as it stands but to make local changes and to amend the plan. 

Commissioner Reports 

Travis Summitt said that the town maintenance crew has been busy at the sewer plant doing state mandated tasks. He also noted that the new mower, purchased by the town, had cut the mowing time at the town park from six hours down to three hours.

Police Chief Jon Jessop reported the following for April:

44 calls for service - a lower number but will probably go up with summer coming on

48 traffic stops

33 traffic tickets

21 traffic warnings

1 arrest

2 traffic accidents

Richard Taylor said that he had spoken to a "playground guru." The old park equipment may be refurbished to save some money on the job. Extra equipment might also be added and the play area enlarged to make it more mower friendly. 

The swings at the park named the Danny Gabriel Park by town officials has some issues with the current swings being too close to the walking path. One of them may be taken out, leaving swings only for smaller kids. Taylor said maybe some equipment for adults can be put in the corners of the park. 

Modular restrooms for the small shelter and basketball courts and pickle-ball courts are being considered, but Taylor is waiting on bids. 

John Bradford had nothing to report, but he said that the town dance had brought out a lot of people.

Osborne said that the Roseman water tower project was complete as of April 23. The Brevard project is still in progress. Pumps need to be replaced. The time on the project is two to three months to completion.

Work on Depot Street is in the final design stage. Sewer and water upgrades will go in soon. 

Pipes need repaired going to town wells The cost is $8200 for wells 1 and 3, and the board voted to okay that work. 

Other Items

Phifer said that the town was working on grants for the following:

1. a new sewer plant

2. an upgrade to Mimosa St which is the street beside the West Rowan Elementary School

Summitt said that James Sipes had provided an estimate for the town to get t-shirts with the town logo printed on them. Phifer said people had been asking for town shirts and also that he could give shirts out as prizes at Dancing on Depot. The board voted to get 120 shirts sized S to 2X. They cost for a town shirt will be $15. Osborne said, "It's worth a trial deal."

Taylor said that he has been opening his wood shop up during Dancing for Depot so the bands have access to bathrooms. That is not working out as well now that the dances have gotten bigger. At the last dance, he walked in his shop and a man and women with a couple of kids were wandering around. He suggested that the town add another portable toilet close the stage and also some for the main area if the dances continue to draw large crowds. 

Phifer said that the new town signage will be going up soon and that the first will be the two monument signs on Hwy 70. He also said that crews will be out getting spaces marked for the new lights. He said that this round of lights should be faster and smoother than the first round, since the legwork had already been done.






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