Cleveland Town Board March 2023 - Yes to Parade and Baseball Field Work


The town of Cleveland, NC monthly town board meeting was tonight Monday 3-13-2023. 

Parade to Honor WR High School Women for State Basketball Championship Win

Mayor Pat Phifer said that he had met with local pastors earlier in the day, and that the pastors requested that the town have a parade to honor the West Rowan High School women's basketball team. The team just won the state championship in Raleigh and had a 31-0 season under coach Ashley Poole.  

Phifer suggested that the parade be held immediately following the 5K run to generate funds for the West Rowan Bible teacher on April 1. The run would end around 11 am, and the parade could go at noon with a stop at the square for a town proclamation and certificates for the team. 

The board unanimously voted to have the parade. 

Board Members Report on Current Projects

Commissioner Travis Summitt said that the auger came in today. It will be used for the poles for the new town signs.

Police Chief Jon Jessop reported the folliwng for the town police department for February 2023:

59 calls for service

34 traffic stops

21 traffic citations

16 warning tickets

2 warrants

0 arrests

5 traffic accidents

Richard Taylor said that L&M Construction had an estimate of $7150 to get the baseball field ready for play. The board voted unanimously to fund that project. The construction  group is the same one that has been building new houses on N. Depot St. in Cleveland.

The construction group also estimated $42,960 for a basketball court with two goals and $75,828 for a pickle-ball court with four play sections. The board will seek two more estimates, because any project over $30K requires three estimates. 

John Bradford said that he had "nothing."

Gerald Osborne said the Roseman water tank project was nearing completion and should be finished by the 27th.

The Brevard St pump station project has been completed with one thing to be corrected. 

Two bills were due at the wastewater treatment plant for pumps on the clarifiers, one for $46K and one for $47K. The board voted to pay these two outstanding bills at the WWTP.

Osborne noted that there were some issues with the sewer lines. He said that some lines were almost blocked behind the Fleming house. Tree roots were the problem, and the town would likely need to buy more equipment to deal with that type of problem. 

Danny Gabriel noted that someone in town wanted to add a pool and that the issue had gone before the town zoning/planning committee but a more specific map of the area was needed to move forward. 

Other Business

Water/sewer to 208 Hill N Dale was approved by the board. The home owner will pay all costs, and his water will be twice the price of residents inside town limits. 

The board approved a payment of  $2799 for a confined space safety kit for maintenance. There was a partial one available, but the cost was lower to buy a new kit versus buying parts. 

Phifer said the county will begin putting in signs in Cleveland. The signs will not cost the town anything with the exception of two welcome signs that will be on Third Creek and Old 70/Main. 

All the signs have a county theme. Cleveland is requesting that the poles in Cleveland be black instead of green like the rest of the county, because the town put in black street signs. 

The welcome signs on Statesville Blvd are set to have three barn quilt cubes as the decorative features. Osborne asked if the town logo could be in that space. 

The town will seek grant money to work on Mimosa St. The plan would be to add curbing and guttering, so that the area would be safe for school children to walk. The cost of that project would be 6.3 million per Phifer.


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