
Showing posts from December, 2020

Cleveland, NC town board Dec 2020 - $19,458 for New Maintenance SUV

Town board members from Cleveland, NC met tonight 12-14-2020. The group opened with a public hearing on ordinances concerning alcohol sales in restaurants and food trucks in town.  The big ticket item for tonight was not on the agenda but was introduced during commissioner reports at the end of the meeting.  "We've been talking about getting a vehicle for Troy," said Commissioner Travis Summitt.  Summitt said that he'd priced out a Malibu at $16,535 and a Trax for $19,458. Summitt said he preferred the SUV for $19,458. He noted that the employee said that he did not need a pick up truck and that a SUV would work out. Summitt said the Trax could pull a trailer if needed.  The purchase was approved unanimously, and then funds had to be moved around. Mayor Pat Phifer said that it made sense to put the new SUV under the water fund, since there were already vehicles purchased under the sewer and maintenance funds.  Wall Sign for Board Room $1850 Mayor Pat Phifer su...

Public Hearing on Alcohol Sales and Food Trucks in Cleveland, NC - All Amendments Passed

  A public hearing on amendments to zoning (related to alcohol sales and food trucks) held at the beginning of the Cleveland, NC town board meeting tonight Monday 12-14-2020 did not draw a crowd. In previous years, meetings that included decisions on alcohol drew more attention in the Cleveland, NC area. Two individuals signed up to speak to the issue of alcohol sales in town limits. Linda Dilliard (Frankie's Chicken & Ribs) said that she really needed the income from alcohol sales to stay in business. She is open only three days per week now due to Covid-19. Another restaurant, China Garden, which is across the parking lot, just closed shop due to the economic challenges with the coronavirus. The Asian restaurant featured a buffet (and shifted to by-the-plate for a period) which complicated seating, spacing, and limits on numbers of customers.  The second speaker was the brother of Dilliard, and he seconded the request and need for another sales revenue.  Changes in ...