Cleveland, NC tries Zoom for January 2021 town board meeting - town members not happy
The monthly Cleveland, NC town board meeting was by Zoom tonight. The signal was not good, so it was hard to get a connection, and then there was no audio until around 7:54. Pat Phifer said that there was no audio, because the commissioners were in closed session to discuss personnel. Zoom visitors messaged about the lack of audio, but there was no response. I drove up to town hall to let them know about the audio problem, but they were not answering the door. When the audio was turned on, the commissioners were asked if they had any reports. John Bradford did not have anything to report. Richard Taylor indicated that the ball will be rolling soon on the park. He gave some details which were not loud enough to make out. Travis Summitt gave the police report. There were 44 somethings, 3 arrests, 43 stops, and 68 citations. There was a question from someone about the number of stops. It seems like citations would be a lower number than stops. I'm not sure due to poor audio on ...