State Wants to Take Control of Zone R15 - Cleveland, NC Zoning and Planning Meeting 5-4-2021


Tonight 5-4-2021 was the monthly Zoning and Planning Board meetings for Cleveland, NC. This was technically the April meeting, but some members were not able to attend on the original date, so tonight was the make up date.  

The major concern at the meeting per Town Commissioner and Board Member Bryan Little was a notice by the North Carolina League of Municipalities abut a bill to take the local jurisdiction for R15 zoned property away from local towns and have the power in the hands of lawmakers and policymakers in Raleigh at the state level. 

Little explained that this change would be a "one size fits all" approach for affordable housing with decisions made outside the area for R15 as defined here: 

Board member Chris Adkins said, "It's happening everywhere I'm afraid."

Board Member Jim Brown said, "What will they take next?"

The town of Cleveland does not have much property zoned R15 according to Little who said he will check and see who sponsored the bill. 

Members of the Zoning/Planning Board discussed drafting and sending a letter to the state opposing the new bill, but Little said that he planned to bring it up at the Town Board Meeting. He said that Planning/Zoning could send in a combo letter with the Board. He further stated that it was "not a bold step to be honest [in reference to sending a letter]."

The other issues discussed included adding some definitions to existing zoning documents. For example, there is not currently a definition of "landlocked" in town documents. 

Looking to the future, the board wants to address the issue of utility buildings on vacant lots. A couple of requests to do so have come up in the last few months. Brown said that it would be "wise to address it." He noted that there could be problems if an upscale housing development came to town, and someone put a utility building in the middle of a vacant lot.


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