Cleveland Taxes Go Up as Anticipated - Town Board June 2022

 The Cleveland, NC tax rate did increase as discussed in the earlier special called budget meeting. City/town taxes will now be at at $.30 per $100 valuation (and the county is currently looking at properties for increasing valuations).Water and sewer both increase as per the workshop meeting. Water/sewer rates must be set at rates that cover costs per law. 

Tonight was a public hearing, but no one signed up to speak about any concerns or to offer opposing views on increases to rates. 

Some fees in town were also increased. 

Water tap on fees go from $850 to $900 or from $1300 to $1400 for larger 3/4 inch taps. Sewer tap goes from $1100 to $1200. 

Cemetery plots go up $200 each for non-residents but remain the same for residents. Commissioner Travis Summitt said that residents pay for the cemetery upkeep with taxes, so he did not want cemetery fees to increase for those paying. 

Current rates are $1200 for one plot and $1700 for two for residents. Non-residents pay $2700 for one and $5200 for two currently. 

 Park fees remain the same, but the amphitheater will be removed from the list. Commissioners said that the amphitheater is not safe and needs to be pulled out of the park. 

Commissioners voted to approve $242,900 for rehabilitation of the McGill Roseman water tank which is 30 years old. The amount was increased slightly over the lowest bid by Utilities Service Company to cover a third coating which will extend the life of the tank to thirty years and to add $22,000 (10%) to contingency per Gerald Osborne. Osborne said that he felt more comfortable with investing in thirty years on the old tank versus just twenty years with two coats. Mayer Pat Phifer said that he thought it was better to do the third coat while the tank was down. 

Police Chief Jon Jessop reported for May:

64 calls for service

68 traffic stops

55 traffic citations

29 traffic warnings

2 warrants with 1 served and 1 arrest

2 accidents

1 check point

Jessop also noted that the hot dog fundraiser for an officer and his wife who has cancer went very well. Summitt thanked all who helped out.

In other business, Osborne said that playground equipment donated by First Baptist Church of Salisbury had been taken apart. He said it would likely take two more trips to complete getting the equipment from Salisbury to Cleveland. He recommended that the town look at hiring someone to put the playground items together so that they would meet safety standards.

Commissioner Danny Gabriel said that voting poll workers had indicated to him that they wanted to move back to town hall for voting versus at the new west branch library. Gabriel said that he was not making the request, just giving a heads up. 

Only one application has been submitted for the open position in maintenance with the town.



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