
Cleveland NC town board meeting 6/12/2023 - Town to object to ETJ rules.

  The Cleveland NC town board met tonight Monday 6-12-2023. All board members were present.  Proposed Changes to ETJ Control by State of NC Town zoning/planning chair, Bryan Little, addressed the board and asked that a letter be sent to the state of North Carolina objecting to changes in the ETJ rules so that the board would have time (an extra week) to draft an official protest resolution concerning the changes to ETJ.  ETJ is extraterritorial jurisdiction and is a one mile radius around the town of Cleveland. The town makes the rules as far as land use in the area around the town, but residents are not in town limits and do not vote on town issues and do not pay town taxes.   The state of NC wants to eliminate ETJ for towns in counties of under 50,000 people which is 51% of NC counties per Little. Control would shift to the counties versus small towns like Cleveland in less populated counties. Mayor Pat Phifer said that the proposed changes to ETJ "doesn't pr...

Cleveland NC Town Board 5-8-2023 - Finance Strategy Paying Off Big

  Tonight was the monthly board meeting for Cleveland, NC. Various budget issues took up the bulk of the meeting including a review of the new investment strategy. Last year, the town made $7,300 in interest for the entire year. Last month, with the new investment plan adopted earlier, the interest was $21,000 for just the single month. All board members voted to roll investments back into treasury bills as they mature and to continue with the current investment strategy. Ice Machine for Town Hall The board had voted previously to rent an ice machine for town hall and to pay maintenance. The board decided to go with a hotel type dispenser for sanitary reasons. Instead of digging into the ice, it would have a feed to dispense the ice. This type of machine had not been available, however, so the company put in a different ice machine.  The current concern is that the requested machine can now be put in [around August]  but at a cost of $325 quarterly as opposed to $160 quar...

Cleveland Town Board March 2023 - Yes to Parade and Baseball Field Work

  The town of Cleveland, NC monthly town board meeting was tonight Monday 3-13-2023.  Parade to Honor WR High School Women for State Basketball Championship Win Mayor Pat Phifer said that he had met with local pastors earlier in the day, and that the pastors requested that the town have a parade to honor the West Rowan High School women's basketball team. The team just won the state championship in Raleigh and had a 31-0 season under coach Ashley Poole.   Phifer suggested that the parade be held immediately following the 5K run to generate funds for the West Rowan Bible teacher on April 1. The run would end around 11 am, and the parade could go at noon with a stop at the square for a town proclamation and certificates for the team.  The board unanimously voted to have the parade.  Board Members Report on Current Projects Commissioner Travis Summitt said that the auger came in today. It will be used for the poles for the new town signs. Police Chief Jon Jess...

Zoning/Planning Cleveland NC 2/27/23 - Goats, Pool, and Right-of-Way Concerns

      The Cleveland, NC zoning/planning board met tonight 2-27-2023 for the scheduled monthly meeting. Two resident requests were heard; a request to subdivide property and request for an exception to a rule requiring pools to be in back yards. In addition, three residents signed up to address the issue of goats being allowed in town limits. The goat issue was brought up at the last town board meeting and was referred to zoning/planning at that time.  Dividing Land with a Rowan County Right-away  Robert Beck asked the board for a special use permit to divide his property lot SUP20230113. The land in question is located just off Old Hwy 70 around Young's Mountain. He said that he wanted his son and any future wife to have five acres of the land to build a house in the future. Beck and his son own a business on the property which was approved previously by Cleveland town board. The concern with dividing the property as requested, per the town, was that the divisio...

Cleveland Town Board Feb 2023 - Residents Unhappy About Goat Rules

Cleveland town board met tonight 2-13-2023 for the regular monthly meeting. All board members and the mayor were present and had new white town shirts with embroidered logos. The town finance officer made photos with the white shirts after the meeting.  Nineteen residents showed up for the meeting. Usually there are only a couple of people. Most of the attendees came in support of John and Mary Beth Babcock who signed up to address the board. The Babcocks were upset about the new code enforcement which was recently approved by the board. They had been notified that they were not allowed to have goats in town limits and that they had to get rid of the goats or pay daily fines.   John Babcock Mary Beth Babcock   Mrs. Babcock read from a prepared statement. She said that the goats had not been an issue for five years but that the family had been notified that they needed to get rid of the goats or face fines. She said that the goats were her 11-year-old daughter's pets and h...

Cleveland NC Town Board Jan 2023 - Property Valuations Mean Taxes Going UP

Cleveland NC town board met tonight 1-9-2023 for the first meeting of 2023. The mayor, board members (except for Commissioner Danny Gabriel), police chief, and town clerks/finance officer were all in attendance.  Rowan County Tax Assessor Chip Main came to the meeting to let town leaders know that valuations will be higher this year. This, in turn, means that residents and businesses will be paying higher taxes in 2023. In fact, taxes could rise quite a bit this year.  Main gave a very general example of a $300,000 house in the county being valued at $220,000 during the previous valuation cycle. Increases could be similar, higher, or lower in Cleveland.  Reappraisals on properties in Cleveland will put land/houses at market value as of 1-1-2023. A number of things are taken into consideration like actual locations and how the market is doing locally. So, it is not possible right now to say how much values will go up (and taxes). But, it is certain that they will go up in ...

Cleveland NC approves lunch wine/beer at Tobo's

Cleveland NC zoning/planning board met tonight Dec 15, 2022.    Members present included: Jim Brown Chip Adkins Bryan Little John Brown Grayson Phillips Gaye Shelton Travis Elliot (owner and manager of Tobo's) asked for a conditional use permit to serve beer at Tobo's (restaurant) during lunch hours at 210 Amity Hill Rd, Cleveland (behind the new Food Lion).   Elliot said that he is currently open to 2 pm Tues - Sat. He said that he plans to be open one night a week in the future, probably Friday or Saturday. He said the restaurant would not be open late hours; he plans to close at 8 pm when adding evening hours.  Zoning board took eight minutes from opening to vote unanimously to approve beer/wine on a conditional basis for Tobo's. Adkins made the motion to approve, and Phillips seconded.  Zoning business was closed and planning opened with one item on the agenda, to change parcel 251, tax map 078 from General Business to Central Business.  Little sai...