Will Cleveland, NC be Getting a $80,000 Drive Up Window at Town Hall with Coronavirus Grant?


Commissioners discussed the use of Covid-19 funds at the September monthly Cleveland, NC town board meeting. Possible expenditures with the government funds include a $25,000 walk up window at town hall or an $80,000 drive up window. The amount of funds in total granted to Cleveland is $61,619.

Town employees have purchased laptop computers with some of the Covid-19 relief monies. The town plans to apply the rest of the funds to payroll pending decisions about how to spend the money. Board members indicated that they needed another meeting to make decisions and iron out details. 

Car Canopy at Town Hall

Commissioner Richard Taylor brought estimates and drawings of awnings for a carport area behind town hall. The lower estimate was for 28 feet of covered parking while 32 feet of parking coverage would cost twice as much coming in at $7000. Taylor said that Mayor Pat Phifer prefers the more expensive option. Phifer was not present at the meeting.

The initial reason for purchasing carport-type coverage was to provide protection for a vehicle purchased by the town. After some additional consideration, it was decided that the town clerks also needed covered parking. 

Commissioner Gerald Osborne said that he did not think that the design of the proposed canopy would blend well with the design of the town hall. He further noted that he parks his vehicles outside in the sun at his home. Based on his experience, he said that vehicles held up around twenty years before needing paint. 

The proposal for a canopy was tabled for the time being. More designs may be sought.

Use of Town Hall Wifi

Board members considered how to deal with people having programs at town hall and using wifi. Osborne asked how often this comes up. Wifi was used once last month at a program, and five total programs are scheduled on a monthly basis. The meeting last month was the only request noted to date.

The town clerk pointed out that the password has to be reset every time someone uses the wifi, because the town pays someone to maintain the web site. That person has to be paid for any changes.

It was decided that the wifi could be available with a request and approval at this time, since the issue had only come up once. It was noted that the library may also ask for internet access once the west branch is open. Wifi concerns may be addressed again at that time. 

Children at Play - Not at Cleveland Town Park Playground Yet

Although Governor Cooper put through 2.5 of Safer at Home to deal with the coronavirus which allows playgrounds to be open, the town board decided to keep the playground closed in Cleveland for, at least, another month. 

Mayor Pro tem, Travis Summitt, said that he thought kids were playing on the equipment anyway. He noted that he hoped parents would be responsible and sanitize. 

The shelters will also remain closed. This means that the bathrooms are not available at this time. Board members noted that "shady stuff" did happen at the shelters, and toilet paper was stolen at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Police Cars Getting a Facelift

Police Chief Jon Jessop requested funds to paint the four unmarked police cars in Cleveland at a total of $2900. The design will be new but does not cost any extra. The old marked cars (three) will be updated to the new logo design as they need to be painted.  

Jessop also gave his monthly update. Cleveland police made 38 service calls, 29 traffic stops (with 25 citations), 2 warrants, and 2 arrests

Maintenance Gets a Mig Welder

Summitt said that maintenance needs a welder, since two employees who owned welders were no longer working for the town. He suggested a mig welder at $2785.99 which was the preferred welder by the town crew. 

"This thing will be here when we are all gone," said Summitt who noted that the welder would be used to repair holes in equipment owned by the town and things like that.

Osborne asked if anyone on town maintenance was certified to weld. Summitt said they were not but did not need to be. 

Coming Down the Pipe

Osborne discussed evaluations of the town water towers. He indicated that tower #1 may need replaced. 

Town playground equipment has been evaluated and estimates of refurbishment will be available soon per Taylor. He did warn the the costs were higher than one might expect largely due to new safety regulations since the time of installation.


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