Cleveland, NC Called Meeting 6-30-2022 - Depot Street Concerns and Police Positions
New Construction on Depot Street - Town Will Put in Larger Water Lines
Cleveland Town Board met this afternoon Thursday 6-30-2022 for a special called meeting. All board members, the mayor, and the police chief were in attendance as well as the town clerks/officers.
The first order of business for the called meeting was to shift funds around so that the town books balance. Funds moved ranged from $49 to $106.
Following a closed session, it was announced that Officer Hodge would be taking on the new position of Patrol Sergeant/Code Enforcement which was approved at the last town board meeting. He was promoted from within. Hodge's position will be assumed by Officer Insley who was part-time and will now be full-time. At the time Jon Jessop was hired as the town Police Chief, he said that he would focus on training within the department and promotion within the ranks, and he is doing so.
The other order of business was really a heads up about issues with Depot Street in Cleveland.
As noted at the last town board meeting, more houses are going up on north Depot. Two houses are being built at the end of the road to the left, and three more may be constructed at a later time. The 3/4 inch water pipes will not be enough to service houses and a new water hydrant which the town will need to put in with additional houses on the road. The water on Depot also needs to be "looped" over to Academy per Mayor Pat Phifer.
Changes on South Depot St have caused water to wash out the old Moore store foundation.
On South Depot Street, a number of changes have taken place over the years so that the street is not working as it should. When it rains, water washes down the hill and is eroding the foundation of the old Moore Store which is owned by town board member Richard Taylor and is used as a wood workshop and also as a meeting place in conjunction with Dancing on Depot events. Mayor Pat Phifer said that there used to be a house in that area and that there was more grass. He said that some grass was taken out and everything was paved over by the town to reduce weed eating. He said that it was a combination of things but that something needed to be done so that the historic store basement did not wash out.
Taylor said that the water washes through during rains and is knocking out pieces of the foundation. (A group that had a fish fry fundraiser in front of the store during a rain which I attended were ankle deep in water during the pandemic). Taylor said that he planned to paint and put on a new roof but needed base work done beforehand.
Board member Gerald Osborne said that he had checked with a company about doing some work, and he recommended that the north and south Depot projects be combined. He said that the company could work on a project basis or by the hour. Osborne said that he was not really comfortable with a per hour contract, because it could run into more hours than expected. He said he would get quotes in time for the next town board meeting, and the board could make decisions then about the projects.
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