Cleveland, NC Planning Board Hammers Out Details on Alcohol Sales and Food Trucks

Last night the Cleveland, NC zoning/planning board met at the Cleveland town hall. The meeting was scheduled for last week, but the meeting room was needed for voting 2020. Zoning included no business; planning focused on alcohol sales for area restaurants and details for food truck guidelines.

The planning board finalized some of the wordings on the rules/guidelines for alcohol sales in town limits. The information will go on to the town board and to an open meeting for residents to respond. 

Food trucks took more time. Fees, rules, and bad behavior were the main concerns. 

The town clerk had gathered some data about fees charged by local towns that allow food trucks. A board member asked about a "happy medium." The clerk said the $50 for an annual permit and/or $25 for a single event were common amounts. 

Board member Jim Brown said that the fee should be at least $250 and that "fifty dollars is chump change." 

Bryan Little (town board and zoning/planning) said: "Two hundred and fifty will work." He said the per event should also go up. He suggested $200. 

Board members then hammered out details about issues like hours food trucks could be open (9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and for special late events), number of trash cans a food truck will have to carry along and take away after an event, and penalty fees for food truck owners/workers who break local rules. Also, food trucks will not be able to connect for public services like water or power. 

Little said that he would make changes on Monday morning so that a rough draft of the guidelines could go before the town board on Monday evening at the monthly meeting.


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