Cleveland, NC Special Meeting Today to Consider Web Page and Social Media for Town


The Cleveland, NC town board held a "special meeting" today at 3 p.m. at town hall. All members of the board were present except Commissioner John Bradford who had forgotten about the meeting which was set up Monday at the Town Board monthly meeting.

It was unclear what the topics of the special meeting might include. No agendas were provided. The time was used by Miller & Davis PR firm of Salisbury, NC to pitch for their company to build a web site for Cleveland, NC and for the firm to maintain the space. 

The cost estimate from Miller/Davis is $31,150 for a year of web building and updates. The company thinks set up of a web site for Cleveland would run about $7,850 (one time) with a $450 yearly upkeep fee. Miller/Davis would anticipate needing to do four hours of work monthly on the web space at a cost of $250 and $350 to keep up social media. Part of the yearly cost would include a video which is planned and two or three others over time. 

Per the representative from Miller/Davis, most towns do not pay an internal person to do web wok. It's just easier to pay a company like M/D explained the rep. 

Town Board members were invited to call M/D with any questions. The board will look over the proposal at a future monthly meeting and vote on whether to pay for web development and updates on a regular basis.


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