Cleveland Town Board Votes to Build a New Web Site for $12,464 - Feb. 2021


The bulk of the February town board meeting fell after the closed session during the open new and old business portions of the agenda. Items in those categories are not listed on the agenda prior to the meeting.

During "old business," Mayor Pat Phifer reintroduced the plan to update the town web site but said that it would be as easy to build a new one as to modify the one in place. Phifer had spoken with Mike Miller and had worked out a lower price than the previous estimate. The cost would be $7,800 to set up a web site and then that would leave a cost of $4664 for updates or maintenance. Total = $12,464.

Mike Miller had joined the Zoom screen after closed session, and Phifer said that Miller would be glad to answer any questions. 

No one had any questions for Miller, but there seemed to be some indecision. It appeared that the decision would be moved back a month.

"I don't understand," said Christine Brown who owns property in the town. She had also joined the Zoom call during or after the closed session. Phifer recognized her and had the microphone opened so that she could speak. 

Brown said that she was concerned that Cleveland was not willing to put in an effort and that other towns do these things.

Phifer said that they needed to stop wasting Miller's time. "His time is money," said Phifer. 

A vote was called. The web site cost was passed by three votes to one. Commissioner Gerald Osborn voted no.

Second Zoom Meeting

This meeting was on Zoom as it was last month. The sound was on this time, although most of the commissioners did not speak into the mics so that they could be heard. This was not intentional, but it did mean that most comments were not audible. 

No one signed up to speak at the meeting, so no one was on the agenda to speak. No one signed up immediately prior to the meeting to speak which has also been an option. This previously has meant that residents were not allowed to speak.

Comments were turned off, so members of the community could not post. During the previous meeting, comments were open on the screen. The board did not respond to those comments including the messages that the audio could not be heard. Board members may not have been able to see the comments. In any case, that was not an option this time.

Agenda Business

The bandwidth did not fully support the Zoom meeting. Audio went in and out especially during the early parts of the meeting. Video held for the bulk of the time with a few flutters.

The board did vote to participate in urban deer hunting season next year and also to spend some funds in the area of fire to ensure coverage/safety. A policy for Covid19, if employees caught it, was adopted. It was based on CDC guidelines per Osborn but modified to the town. These sections were very glitchy but seemed straightforward. 

From the Closed Session

Phifer gave an overview of the closed sessions decisions.

Police Chief Jon Jessup and another employee, Johnson, finished six month probationary periods and were approved for five percent raises. Another employee, Grant Mars (not certain on last name), will also get a five percent raise when his six months is completed later this month. 

Jody Barrier was promoted to maintenance director. The board approved the pay at $21/hour.

Commissioner Reports

Commissioner Richard Taylor said that he would be meeting with Mr. Cunningham on Thursday to get started on updates to the town park. Phifer said, "Cool beans." 

Osborne discussed some issues with water/sewer including the large multi-year plan to be developed. It was hard to hear, so I don't have any details. 

Chief Jon Jessup noted the following for the previous month:

34 service calls

3 arrests

48 traffic stops

18 citations

34 warnings

New Business

Under new business, Phifer said that a Christian based youth group (Power Cross) would like to use the ball field at the town park for peewee football. They will use the Kennedy-Hall Legion field next season, but it is not ready currently. Phifer noted that they were paying for insurance and did not mind that the bathrooms are closed.

All board members voted to allow the youth group to have football at the park.

Phifer said that it was a good time to look at the speed bumps which were on the agenda months ago. 

"We kind of held off on those," said Phifer.

Phifer said that there are a lot of kids using the old middle school building. With more kids involved, Phifer said that he thought speed bumps should go in.

All board members voted to spend $5000 for speed bumps.


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