
Showing posts from May, 2021

Taxes in Cleveland Will NOT Increase for 2021 - Town Board Special Meeting 5-25-2021

    Commissioner Gerald Osborne said he was not in favor of a tax increase for Cleveland, "not in any way, shape, or form." He said that the past year had been rough on residents and that many were living on tight or fixed incomes.  The town has accumulated $743,680 between 2009 and 2020, and Osborne said that he thought the town should tap into that rainy day fund. With the spending approved by the town board, the shortfall on the budget would be about $156,000.  All board members ultimately agreed to keep taxes at the current rate of 28 cents.  Some expenditures for the year were not on the table for discussion. Residents need water/sewer, and those are self funding. In other words, the charges cover the costs. With some big ticket costs coming up, the rate for water and for sewer will go up each by 5 percent this year.  Town Clerk Cathy Payne said that looking at a typical family and considering usage of 4000 gallons for a month for each service that the...

Taxes, Water, & Sewer Prices to Increase - Cleveland, NC Town Board Budget Planning Meeting 2021

Cleveland, NC town board had a special called meeting tonight Tuesday May 18, 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to hammer out budget details for the upcoming year.  Residents of Cleveland should expect to see a 5.5% tax increase and 5% increases in water and 5% increases in sewer when the final budget is passed.  For property, the rate goes from 28 cents to 33.5 cents. Mayor Pat Phifer said that the average property in town was probably valued at around $150,000 so that taxes of $35 a month would increase to $41 month. Under that scenario, yearly taxes would increase for the average individual by $72/year. Town clerk Cathy Payne said that the typical water user would see the water bill increase $1.48 month and that the last water rate increase was in 2015. Water and Sewer in Cleveland Commissioner Gerald Osborne discussed the town's need to address water/sewer issues. The infrastructure is aging, and the town is at the point where a new water tower will be needed soon. An e...

Cleveland, NC Has Some Big Dollar Expenditures Coming Up with Water/Sewer

  Tonight 5-10-2021 marked the monthly town board meeting for Cleveland, NC. The meeting was open to the public with masks and social distancing (with two non-town-employees in attendance). Zoom attendance was also available, and all board members had microphones.  The biggest issues dealt with water/sewer which Commissioner Gerald Osborne has said would need to be addressed soon. He has been working with a twenty plus year timeline in mind so that money invested now will have public services working for years to come.  Osborn requested that $101,500 be spent for engineering which is needed to lay out upgrades for water/sewer in town. Town board members Travis Summitt, Richard Taylor, and John Bradford voted yes to the proposal along with Osborne.  Cleveland has had violations at the WWTP (water waste treatment plant) for the last six months with chloroform levels off. This was due to the bypass valve not being closed all the way. To remedy this situation now, the to...

State Wants to Take Control of Zone R15 - Cleveland, NC Zoning and Planning Meeting 5-4-2021

  Tonight 5-4-2021 was the monthly Zoning and Planning Board meetings for Cleveland, NC. This was technically the April meeting, but some members were not able to attend on the original date, so tonight was the make up date.   The major concern at the meeting per Town Commissioner and Board Member Bryan Little was a notice by the North Carolina League of Municipalities abut a bill to take the local jurisdiction for R15 zoned property away from local towns and have the power in the hands of lawmakers and policymakers in Raleigh at the state level.  Little explained that this change would be a "one size fits all" approach for affordable housing with decisions made outside the area for R15 as defined here:  Board member Chris Adkins said, "It's happening everywhere I'm afraid." Board Member Jim ...