Taxes, Water, & Sewer Prices to Increase - Cleveland, NC Town Board Budget Planning Meeting 2021

Cleveland, NC town board had a special called meeting tonight Tuesday May 18, 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to hammer out budget details for the upcoming year. 

Residents of Cleveland should expect to see a 5.5% tax increase and 5% increases in water and 5% increases in sewer when the final budget is passed. 

For property, the rate goes from 28 cents to 33.5 cents. Mayor Pat Phifer said that the average property in town was probably valued at around $150,000 so that taxes of $35 a month would increase to $41 month. Under that scenario, yearly taxes would increase for the average individual by $72/year.

Town clerk Cathy Payne said that the typical water user would see the water bill increase $1.48 month and that the last water rate increase was in 2015.

Water and Sewer in Cleveland

Commissioner Gerald Osborne discussed the town's need to address water/sewer issues. The infrastructure is aging, and the town is at the point where a new water tower will be needed soon. An engineer must be hired to determine the specific needs and also the location for a new tower. Currently, the plan is to do tower repairs related to the recent inspection but to keep costs at the minimum and plan for a brand new tower. Osborne said a rough ballpark figure for a new tower was $500,000.

As far as sewer, Osborne noted that line repairs would be coming up soon, and that we will also have to put in a new lift station.

Trash Pick Up

Payne said that landfill charges continue to rise, although the town is taking part in the recycling program. Average home cost is at $17 a month which is similar to the cost for people who live outside town limits and pay for their own trash pick up, but town residents also get recycling and big trash pick ups at certain times of the year.

"I think we are just getting trashier," said Phifer. 


Maintenance costs are higher, since the town is now hiring mowing done. Commissioner Richard Taylor said that the town cemetery is looking better and also that it's easier to see from the median near the IGA. 

Police Needs

Police Chief Jon Jessop gave a Power Point presentation outlining the various needs of the police department. He said that the town needs to add another full time police officer, buy two new police vehicles, update the police office, and add security cameras at the station. He also noted that the heat/AC unit will probably have to be replaced soon. This was basically a list of what would be best but maybe not all possible immediately. 

Town Park

New playground equipment at the town park will run about $300,000 said Commissioner Taylor. The old equipment is not safe as it stands. Commissioner John Bradford said, "Three hundred thousand for some swings?" Taylor said playgrounds have a lot more than that these days.

Taylor also noted that ball field work would be about $20,000 and  covering the stage $18,000 (with costs going up due to the cost of wood overall going up). 

The county is wanting to give the playground land across from the new Rowan County west branch library to the town, and work on the walking path, parking, court, and basketball backboards would run about $50,000.

Town Administrator

Commissioner Travis Summitt said  that it is about time that the town hired an administrator. He said he was not talking about a town manger - an administrator who would likely be someone retired working only part-time. Phifer said that town board members were called to do things for the town on Friday evenings and that an administrator would help on that. 

Board members did not vote tonight.  Budget items were in the discussion stage. There is a specific amount of money coming in (high for a town of this size due to Freighliner paying taxes), and the questions are really about how to spend the incoming money.

Another budget planning meeting will be held next Tuesday May 25, 2021. Town members can attend such special meetings.


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