Cleveland NC Barn Quilt Trail Approved $8282


Town board of Cleveland, NC had a special called meeting today 8-27-2021 to vote on a barn quilt trail and for cube barn quilts to mark stops on the trail. 

Mayor Pat Phifer said that the meeting was at 3:30 on a Friday, because Commissioner John Bradfrad was only available at that time. This did exclude Commissioner Bryan Little who was at work during the time of the meeting. 

Phifer brought a map of the proposed walking trail which included mostly churches and old schools. Here are the locations on the map from 1 to 10 (which are not marked on the map).

1. Cleveland Town Hall

2. Old West Rowan Middle School/Old West Rowan YMCA

3. Old Rosenwald School

4. Third Creek AME Zion Church

5. Allen Temple Presbyterian Church

6. Cleveland Barn Quilt at Cleveland Post Office Bld

7.. Cleveland Presbyterian Church

8. Cleveland First Baptist Church

9. Park on School Street or West Branch Rowan Public Library (Old Cleveland Elementary School)

10. Library/Cleveland Community Fire Department

All barn quilt cubes would be on private property and not on town right of ways. This means that each location must be approved by the owner(s) of the properties. Phifer said that a cube would be moved to another location if not approved by owners.  No properties were mentioned as being currently approved; however, Phifer said that resident Nancy Brown said she was "on it" with Cleveland First Baptist Church. Brown is on the grounds committee with the church, and she has very nice barn quilts on her home buildings.

The barn quilt cubes mark properties of interest in town but not necessarily ones with barn quilts. There is a big barn quilt at the town square on the end of the post office building, and there will be the biggest one in the nation going up on the end of the Cleveland Community Fire Department building on October 23, 2021. 

The cube signs will have six sides with all painted as different barn quilts. They can be changed out, since the quilts will be in metal frames put together like dice used with board games. Members of the board discussed special barn quilt options like Christmas panels.

Phifer hopes that the locations with barn quilts will opt to have their own unique quilts reflecting the history of each location and that the locations will pay for their cubes/quilts.

Phifer also said that scan codes can be added to each barn quilt cube and visitors can scan and be directed to information and history of each location. He said it would work best if each church wrote up a history. He did not know where data would be housed online or who might do the coding for a project like this. 

Commissioner Richard Taylor made a motion that the board approve the trail, cubes, and use money from parks/rec. Commissioner Travis Summitt seconded. All voted in favor. 

The cost of the barn quilt cubes is $8282 for ten. This includes the materials, painting, and installation. 



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