Cleveland NC Town Board - Money for Roads and More Money for Barn Quilt Cubes

The big item of business of the night at the monthly Cleveland, NC town board meeting 9-13-2021 was money for road work The board approved $238,602 with $93K from general funds to Angel Paving. Roads included for work are in the Hill and Dale subdivision and also Smith Rd. These roads have not been overhauled for 25 plus years according to estimates by town board members.

Barn Quilt Cubes - Add Cost of Installation 

Mayor Pat Phifer told town board members that the barn quilt cubes which were approved last meeting will cost $3400 more than voted on. The extra money is for the installation at $340 per cube pole. The $8282 was for the actual cubes. The total of the project is now $11,682. "I made that mistake, " said Phifer. The board voted to pay the extra.

Decorative Street Lamps in Town - Legal Contract Concerns 

The bulk of the meeting was devoted to the contract for the decorative lights. Duke Energy had sent a contract for the town to sign. Commissioner Gerald Osborne had questions about responsibilities and liabilities per the contract. Phifer said that most of the stipulations did not apply to the town and that Duke Power would be responsible if there were any problems.

"If they don't apply to [us], they should be taken off [the contract], said Osborne. 

Phifer said that he would call and mark out things that did not apply. 

"We're signing this saying we're going to pay it," said Osborne. He noted concerns by numbers on the contract, and he cited numerous cases where it looked like the town would have to pay if anything went wrong.  "We'll hit something somewhere," noted Osborne.

Phifer assured Osborne that the town would not have to pay if problems came up. "You guys can meet with Robert," he added.

"I hope this is all we have to pay," said Osborne. [Costs doubled from the first estimate, because installation or trenching/poling was not included]"Be sure they understand and you understand."

Miller Davis Charges - No Clarification Yet

Phifer said that he had contacted Miller Davis about extra charges for the web site. He said he had asked for a break down of the specific costs.

"They have not come through," said Phifer. But, he noted: "I was gone all last week."

Phifer said that we [the town] would not be paying while there was still a "dangling carrot."

Reports from Commissioners

Commissioner Travis Summitt said that maintenance is waiting on a part which was ordered for the machine to clear brush/limbs along the roads. He also said that new police vehicles had arrived and were being outfitted. The cars should be done by the end of the month. 

John Bradford did not have anything to report.

Richard Taylor said that a local Scout would be updating the trail at the town park for his Eagle project. 

The Scout, J. McDaniel, attended the meeting and explained that he planned to:

clear fallen trees across the path

clean out wisteria

reroute around a sink hole

put in a culvert or small foot bridge

McDaniel will return at a later time with a budget for the project.

Bryan Little noted that there had been a complaint about a property in town. Little had contacted the property owner and was waiting to hear back. He would be keeping track of the issue, since the town is looking at adopting stricter policies about property upkeep. Little is on the planning/zoning board and was appointed tonight to continue in the role. 

Gerald Osborne updated progress on water/sewer. He said that the town is now in the loop with the sewer system. A near blockage had been detected and corrected. He said we had needed that kind of service for at least ten years and that we can now "feel comfortable" about our town sewer system.



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