New buiilding for Tar Heel Materials & Handling Approved by Cleveland NC Zoning

The Cleveland, NC zoning board approved a 70 x 90 metal building for Tar Heel Materials & Building. The company is located at 725 Kesler Road which runs from Old 70 Main St over to Statesville Blvd. 

The new building will have a solid back and eight garage doors to a loading dock. The height is 18 foot and 22 foot with the roof. The building will be 49 feet off the back property line and will not be visible from the road. A burm is already in place as well as mature trees in the 30 to 40 foot range. 

Commissioner Chip Adkins noted that the current burm is looking "a little rough." A company representative said that it is hard to landscape with the current fence which was put in by the state but is not maintained by the state. 

On a side note, it was confirmed that the burner/incinerator (previously approved by zoning) will be another fifteen weeks; The delay is related to the general delay of construction and other goods currently.

Commissioner Bryan Little made a motion to accept, and Commissioner Jim Brown seconded after noting that the company met all the conditions stipulated by zoning including a grade four buffer. 

The vote was unanimous, and the request will go to the full town board for a public hearing.


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