Cleveland, NC town board meeting Nov 2021 - Progress on Water/Sewer and Several Projects In the Works

Two public hearings were handled in short order at the Nov 2021 monthly town board meeting of Cleveland, NC. Issues had been discussed previously, and no one attended to ask questions or to bring up concerns, so both items were approved. 

They include:

1. The barber shop building across from the post office can be used as a single family dwelling on the second floor.

2. Changes were made to zoning for electronic message boards. Per Commissioner Bryan Little (who is on the zoning board as well as on the town board), sizes for signs were changed to better reflect what is available on the market. The limit on the size for the lighted part of a message board will now be 4x8' (32 square feet) with a monument sign base. 

Zoning Fines Kick In with New Zoning Rules

No one signed up to speak directly before the meeting, but business owner Coty Speight had signed up for the agenda to request consideration on a $1750 fine (at $50 per day) for not meeting zoning requirements as they pertain to vehicles. 

A letter was sent letting him know that he needed to clean up some old cars at 613 W. Main St. Speight said that he did not receive the letter but that it likely had been thrown away. An officer stopped by with notification and did speak to Speight. 

Speight had been cleaning up the battery business lot, but it had taken quite some time. Commissioner Richard Taylor noted that he had driven by and that the area was much improved. Speight said that the clean up was almost complete.

Board members decided that the fine would stand, since the time line did show that the business was out of compliance for a rather long time and since the case would set a precedent (with new zoning rules now in place). But, board members also agreed to set up a payment plan for six months. Commissioner Travis Summitt noted that the board does not want to put anyone in town out of business and that working with a business owner so that he could stay working was important. Speight said that he did take responsibility and would pay the fine off quickly.

Various Business Matters Covered 

Board members voted unanimously to participate in a low income household water assistance program. A federal grant is in place for one year and would likely cover water costs for those who qualify for one month and then could be extended. Summitt said that if the program does help local residents that he thinks the town should do the paperwork required.

Commissioner Gerald Osborn requested $5220 for repair on a classifier at the wastewater treatment plant. The repair and cost was approved unanimously. Osborne also requested $8246 for a gas control system. The old one had been repaired four or five years back but had gone out again. Osborne said that with the age of the system and with the dangers to employees that he would recommend investing in a new system (which would end up costing less). The second request was approved.

Mayor Pat Phifer said that Miller/Davis had provided some clarification of the bill from some time back but that he still needed to see some hourly charge amounts. He said payment would be held over again and that he hoped to get around to the issue this coming weekend.

Employee Christmas bonus's were approved in the amount of $10,298.  

Commissioner Reports for November 2021

Summitt reported that two developments had been paved and that the project was almost complete.

Taylor said that power washing at the park looked good and that he was gathering prices for staining, painting, doors, and lights for the shelters. 

Commissioner John Bradford said that he had nothing.  

Little noted that concerns on Mimosa had been photographed and that follow up was taking place.

Osborne had a number of updates about water/sewer which are the big projects in progress. He said that pump station plans were complete and open for bids Dec 7.

Police Chief Jon Jessop had the following to report:

50 calls for service

5 accidents - This was a lot for Cleveland which generally has only two accidents per month. One of the monthly accidents was pretty bad and closed Hwy 70/Statesville Blvd for about an hour near the old Community Grocery. Fortunately no one was seriously injured.

25 traffic stops with 15 citations and 11 warnings

Mayor Phifer noted that the town should register the town logo. He said that a politician in the area had used the same colors and that the political sign was really similar to the Cleveland logo. He is checking with someone in Raleigh, NC about the steps to register.   

Phifer also said that he would like to see the town have a town Christmas tree in time for the Cleveland Christmas parade. He noted that other towns have been doing that.


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