Carlton Killian - Running for Rowan County Sheriff - Interview West Rowan


Carlton Killian - Running for Rowan County Sheriff 2022


Candidate for Rowan County sheriff, Carlton Killian, was at the RPL west branch meet and greet in Cleveland today Saturday 10-8-2022.

Carlton has thirty-five years in law enforcement including at the local, state, and federal levels. He said he had not planned to run for sheriff, but the “Lord spoke to me.” When the Lord speaks, Carlton listens, so he has been out on the campaign trail across Rowan County.

“I don’t have anything to lose,” said Carlton. “I’m retired.’ And, he said this makes it easier for him to do what is best for the community. 

Other candidates have avoided discussions about mental health or have gone on the record saying that mental health is not a priority, but Carlton says that he thinks mental health is not only important but critical. This includes for inmates but also for officers.

“Respect has diminished,” said Carlton. “There is not much empathy for the badge.”

He said that the work is hard. With too few officers, there is a lot of overtime noted Carlton. “They see stuff (in the line of duty). And, it takes a toll.”

Carlton wants to institute programs for any officer who is dealing with trauma. He said that could be a shooting or a suicide for example. These officers do not have anyone to talk to currently. Carlton envisions training classes to help officers deal with tragic situations so that they (the officers) will be steady and able to professionally deal with the public.

Training is key according to Carlton. That is not just mental health training but training across the board. Officers need help learning to deal with de-escalation, domestic violence, sensitivity for instance. Officers are not born with these skills; they need to learn the skills.

Leadership needs to look, listen, and learn also said Carlton. He said he has been looking at other successful programs. Wilmington, for example, has stopped jailing people who have petty charges like traffic tickets. “That has saved millions,” said Carlton. He would like to institute a similar program in Rowan County. “That would not be for serious crimes like DWI,” said Carlton. “It would be for minor crimes with $50 or $100 fines (that some people can’t pay).”

“We’re all in this together,” said Carlton. “And we have to work together.”

He said that he plans to have monthly meetings if elected. This would include elected officials, the faith community, citizens at large. This is how it works (or should work) said Carlton. Officers can’t fix what they don’t know about.

Carlton also said law enforcement should mirror the community. He envisions a balance within his department that reflects the make up the community, so that law enforcement understands who they are serving.

Carlton noted that parents often tell their kids to act good, or the police will lock them up. He said that he hopes parents will stop doing that. He said that adults should tell kids that the police will help them if something comes up. “I am the person he needs to come to,” said Carlton.



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